Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Battlefield 3 ships 15 million copies

EA just released their financial earnings report, where they revealed that Battlefield 3 has shipped 15 million copies, making it the best selling Battlefield title to date. That’s a good $900 million at the box office, not counting in DLC sales and sales of online passes for used games. EA expects Battlefield 3 sales to reach 18 million by the end of the fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2013. Back in February, EA reported that Battlefield 3 has sold 10 million copies. EA CEO John Riccitiello told analysts and shareholders that Battlefield 3 has managed to eat into Call of Duty’s market share for first person shooters. Riccitiello said, “Battlefield 3 took a very significant share from the leading competitor on its way to being one of the biggest selling titles in EA history”. EA also confirmed that Battlefield 3 will see DLC releases next month, this Fall and Winter as well.


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